
The Creaton DAO will integrate new DAO design ideas; SubDAOs with each their own governance token

The purpose of SubDAOs are to give contributors more decision power in the categories they care the most about.

A DAO shouldn’t act like a decentralized corporation, but more like a country, cooperation or city.

People who vote shouldn’t get penalized, or rewarded, just for casting a vote. We can however - other than allocating the funds after a proposal went through - retroactively reward those who voted on a successful proposal based on metrics (perhaps set a mandatory look-back time-frame), this is true incentivization that can’t easily be cheated. Things get a lot more fun 🙂

For example:

Justin proposes we need a mobile app, he is a creator that mostly shoots mobile content.

80% of people vote for a mobile app.

Proposal goes through, the $CREATEdevs get enough funded to work on a mobile app for the next 6 months, and can apply for more funding if more time is needed.

Mobile app takes off, and all CREATEdevs contributors get a retroactive bonus!


Governance Mining